Rindge Avenue Community Connectivity - 2021 Technical report

Rindge Avenue Community in North cambridge

Rindge Avenue Community in North cambridge

Rindge Avenue community, identified in the image to the left, is a residential neighborhood in North Cambridge, consisting predominantly of permanently affordable housing, positioned between Rindge Avenue, Alewife Brook Parkway, the North Cambridge Cemetery, and the Fitchburg Commuter Railroad. While the neighborhood is geographically close to important community resources, physical barriers restrict convenient, direct access to nearby natural and local amenities. The CRA recognizes that the Rindge Avenue community deserves improved and safer connections that allow residents to move between places easily, at all times of the day, and for people of all ages and mobilities.

To better understand the neighborhood’s existing connectivity conditions and potential opportunities, the CRA contracted with consultants from Gamble Associates, to complete a Rindge Neighborhood Connectivity and Open Space Vision report. The study provided an open space vision, conceptual approach, and near and short-term recommendations to enhance connectivity to and from the neighborhood.

With the preliminary study complete, the CRA has now begun to engage with Rindge neighborhood residents, community groups, and landowners, to discuss the study’s vision, and to understand local connectivity priorities. In the fall of 2021, the CRA collaborated with Gamble Associates to consider further opportunities for connectivity within the Rindge Tower properties, owned by Just-A-Start and The Schochet Companies. Their connectivity ideas were presented to the CRA Board on March 16, 2022, and can be found here.


Connectivity Principles

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The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines Environmental Justice (EJ) as "the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." 

For a community to be designated as an EJ area, it has to meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • The median annual household income is equal to or less than 65 percent of the statewide median ($62,072 in 2010); or

  • 25% or more of the residents identify as a race other than white; or

  • 25% or more of households have no one over the age of 14 who speaks English only or very well - English Isolation.

The Rindge neighborhood area is the only Cambridge community designated as an EJ community, and that meets all three criteria. Therefore, improving connectivity in the area so residents can safely and easily access commercial and open space amenities is a way to ensure environmental justice in the neighborhood and enhance residents’ quality of life.



There are five areas identified in the report where barriers exist, or infrastructure could be improved. These include:

  • Missing connection at Alewife Brook Parkway underpass,

  • Insufficient connection to the Alewife Red Line T-Stop across Alewife Brook Parkway from Rindge Avenue,

  • Missing bike lane and narrow sidewalks on Rindge Avenue,

  • Fenced areas within the Rindge neighborhood,

  • Insufficient connection to the Fresh Pond Mall, Danehy Park, and other points south.


Open Space Connectivity

There is an abundance of open space areas in the Rindge community, including:

  • Alewife Brook & Fresh Pond Reservations

  • Magnolia & Thorndike parks

  • Russell Field & Francis J McCrehan school

  • Jerry's Pond

  • Danehy park

Ensuring these spaces are adequately accessible to residents will enhance the quality of life in the community. 

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Points of Interest

The Rindge community is surrounded by many amenities and resources, including:

  • Alewife T stops

  • Ferro's Foodtown

  • Jefferson Park Plaza

  • Apple Cinemas

  • Danehy Park

  • Fresh Pond Mall

  • Alewife Brook Parkway shopping

  • Two privately-owned playgrounds

These amenities should be easily accessible for all residents of ages and abilities. 


Initial Findings

The Rindge Neighborhood Connectivity and Open Space Vision report's initial improvements suggestions include: 

  • Improved Connectivity to Alewife Station

  • New gateways to the neighborhood

  • New Multi-use path along MBTA tracks

  • Green corridors link major open spaces.

Feedback from local residents is welcome to ensure the right improvements are suggested. To contact us or sign up for email updates, including information about upcoming community engagements, click here.